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-------- Times series aggregation/disaggregation functions -------- 
aggreg             : Generate a temporal aggregation matrix
aggreg_test        : Test of temporal aggregation
aggreg_v           : Generate a temporal aggregation vector
bal                : Proportional adjustment of y to a given total z
bal_d              : Demo of bal()
bfl                : Temporal disaggregation using the Boot-Feibes-Lisman method
bfl_d              : demo of bfl()
calt               : Phi-weights of ARIMA model in matrix form
chowlin            : Temporal disaggregation using the Chow-Lin method
chowlin_d          : demo of chowlin()
chowlin_fix        : Temporal disaggregation using the Chow-Lin method
conta              : determine number of non-f elements in polynomial
denton             : Multivariate temporal disaggregation with transversal constraint
denton_d           : Demo of denton()
denton_uni         : Temporal disaggregation using the Denton method
denton_uni_d       : Demo of denton_uni()
denton_uni_prop    : Temporal disaggregation: Denton method, proportional variant
denton_uni_prop_d  : Demo of denton_uni_prop()
desvec             : Creates a matrix unstacking a vector
dif                : Generate the difference operator in matrix form
difonzo            : Multivariate temporal disaggregation with transversal constraint
difonzo_d          : Demo of difonzo()
fernandez          : Temporal disaggregation using the Fernandez method
fernandez_d        : demo of fernandez()
guerrero           : ARIMA-based temporal disaggregation: Guerrero method
guerrero_d         : demo of guerrero()
inter_xls          : Interface via Excel Link for univariate temporal disaggregation
inter_xls_d        : demo of inter_xls()
litterman          : Temporal disaggregation using the Litterman method
litterman_d        : demo of litterman()
litterman_fix      : Temporal disaggregation using the Litterman method
minter_xls         : Interface via Excel Link for multivariate temporal disaggregation
movingsum          : Accumulates h consecutive periods of a vector nx1
mtasa              : Compute the year-on-year rate of growth of a vector time series
mtd_plot           : Graphic output of multivariate temporal disaggregation methods
mtd_print          : Save output of multivariate temporal disaggregation methods
numpar             : determine the number of non-zero values of ARIMA model
rossi              : Multivariate temporal disaggregation with transversal constraint
rossi_d            : Demo of rossi()
ssc                : Temporal disaggregation using the dynamic Chow-Lin method
ssc_d              : demo of ssc()
ssc_fix            : Temporal disaggregation using the dynamic Chow-Lin method
sw                 : Temporal disaggregation using the Stram-Wei method.
sw_d               : demo of sw()
tasa               : Compute the year-on-year rate of growth
td_plot            : Generate graphic output of temporal disaggregation methods
td_print           : Generate output of temporal disaggregation methods
td_print_g         : Generate output of temporal disaggregation methods.
tduni_plot         : Generate graphic output of the BFL or Denton 
tduni_print        : Save output of BFL or Denton temporal disaggregation methods
temporal_agg       : Temporal aggregation of a time series 
vdp                : Balancing by means of van der Ploeg method
vdp_d              : Demo of vdp()